Arts & Culture Strategy
The best way to ensure that the arts are woven into the fabric of our communities is to plan for it.
As the Arts Commission for Greater Mankato, Twin Rivers is involved in making sure that arts and culture are integrated into community development planning.
Current Planning Initiatives
Get Creative, Mankato! A framework for artistic, cultural and economic vitality
The Vision: In 2027, Mankato identifies as a creative community, having developed an atmosphere where arts, culture, heritage and creativity are integral to the fabric of everyday life. A multitude of arts, cultural and historical organizations and events enhance the quality of life for residents and attract visitors, and the public is strongly supportive of these creative initiatives and institutions. Residents have equal opportunities to learn and create, finding inspiration from the talent and inventiveness that surrounds them. Drawn and nurtured by our community’s appreciation for creativity and the energy it creates, a number of creative entrepreneurial businesses thrive. The richness of our cultural assets and the strength of the creative economy heighten community pride and benefit the economic vitality of the region.
Get Creative, Mankato! >> Full Plan
North Mankato Public Art Ideas Plan
The city of North Mankato teamed up with Twin Rivers to develop the North Mankato Public Art Ideas Plan. The goal is to create a public art idea bank that can be used by the city as a guide to integrate public art into existing planning initiatives. Learn More >>
Old Town Master Plan
Created in 2016, the Old Town Master Plan is a comprehensive vision for the future redevelopment of the Old Town District in City Center Mankato.
Old Town Master Plan >> Learn More
ArtSpace Creative Consulting Report
ArtSpace was invited to Mankato as a consultant to ask the question, “Is there a naturally occuring Arts and Historic District in Mankato?”. Through research, several site visits and community input, ArtSpace put together a first step in identifying and answering this question for Greater Mankato.
ArtSpace Creative Consulting Report >> Learn More
Previous Planning Documents
Arts, Culture and Community Enhancement Plan (2007)
Outlines the develop of a community culture that supports the arts, promoting our existing assets and fostering new ones, encouraging diversity, education and an entrepreneurial spirit that benefits both the community spirit and economic life of the region. Learn More >>
City Center Renaissance Plan
Developed in 2007, the City Center Renaissance Plan builds on Greater Mankato’s previous planning efforts and reinforces the opportunities that created the historical community in the Valley. The plan calls for a rebirth of the City Center by strengthening the interdependence of residential, industrial, service and commercial sectors through revitalization, reconnection, and reinvestment. The City Center’s strong employment base, civic facilities, historical assets and unique character provide the foundation for the development of strategies that will foster the goals of a Renaissance. Learn More >>
Envision 2020 State of the Community Report
This report is a summary of Phase 2 of Envision 2020, a community based visioning process which began in 2005. The Phase 2 State of the Community Report highlights each Key Performance Area’s mini-vision, goals and the rationale for each goal. The purpose and desire for the community report is to invigorate community stakeholders and encourage all members of the community to work towards a stronger and more vibrant region. Learn More >>